They say that it’ll get easier
The people that have no clue
That have never had this much uncertainty
And probably never will
The fear wraps up around me
And tightens my very core
I feel trapped on an endless ride
And I’ll never find the door
The door that will lead to all the hopes
The life of what could be
Where I can hold them in my arms
And we are a family
It starts to feel impossible
Almost even illogical
That it will ever happen for us
That I will be a mother
He will be a father
When it happens for others so easily
I find it hard to bear
How dare they flaunt their luck around
The world just seems unfair
To get pregnant by accident
Seems like a fucking joke
Like the universe just wants to mess with us
And show how much I’m broke
They tell you to eat this, do this, do that
Like there’s some magical cure
Like piss off right now
Fucking leave, shut the door